A 34 year old woman, Mrs. Fatima Bankole, was battered by her husband, Alhaji Kamoru Bankole, for taking piece of fish from the pot to break her fast. The victim is first of three wives of Alhaji Kamoru, at residing at Hasan Close, Alasia, Ijanikin in Lagos State. The bruising attack happened on the 16th of July, when the third wife reported to their husband that their senior wife took fish from the soup to break her fast. The husband, according to witnesses, did not listen to her excuse before attacking her. According to Sahara reporters ,the victim, Mrs. Fatima Bankole, their husband had always physically abused her, but the incidence of July 16th was more brutal. She narrated that they had made a roster between two wives, due to the absence of the third wife who was away at the period, to cook for 15 days each. The victim said she had completed her period, and it was turn of the last wife. She said they would normally serve the husband first, follo...